Yumbah production systems mimic natural processes, producing highest quality seafoods in managed conditions across diverse seascapes, reducing pressure on diminishing wild catch.
Abalone produced onshore in southern States, where the Bonney Upwelling brings rich nutrient flows that sustain cold ocean ecosystems.
Mussels grown and produced in Victoria’s Port Phillip Bay and at Port Lincoln in South Australia.
Sydney Rock Oysters from the Mid-North Coast of New South Wales and Pacific Oysters from Tasmania’s East Coast and Port Lincoln in South Australia.
Oyster Spat
Oyster spat supporting growers in New South Wales, Tasmania and South Australia.
Twice crowned World Seafood Champion, John McFadden explains that simplicity is key to cooking with our produce, letting the freshness and flavour come to the forefront.

Helping to build Australia’s Blue Economy by sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, better lives and healthy ocean ecosystems.