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Ensuring the highest standards of responsibility, accountability and transparency throughout our supply chain.

David Wood

Chief Executive Officer

David has deep executive experience in aquaculture. He joined Yumbah as its inaugural chief executive in 2021, and leads the journey to being Australia’s leading shellfish aquaculture company.

Richard Davey

Chief Financial Officer

Richard is an experienced commercial finance executive, with a track record of driving organisational change and improving earnings quality through organic and acquisition growth, enhancing capital allocation and simplifying business processes.

Ray Henderson

Head of Abalone Operations

Ray leads Yumbah’s abalone operations, bringing deep international experience in abalone culture to Yumbah’s vertically integrated abalone business across three states.

Mark Andrews

Head of Mussel Operations

Mark is a pioneer of mussel farming and processing, part of the Eyre Peninsula Seafoods success story, and having held senior management roles in the industry in New Zealand and Australia.

Ben Cameron

Executive - Oysters

Ben has oyster farming in his genes, having led Cameron of Tasmania and its integration into the Yumbah group. He is a director of the Tasmanian Oyster Research Council and Seafood Maritime Training.

Dale Williams

Group Executive - Sales and Marketing

Dale has spent many years in Senior Sales roles in FMCG including 19 years at Tassal, where he held the role of Head of Sales and Marketing for most of that time, before joining Yumbah in January 2025.

Justin Welsh

Chief Executive Officer, East 33

Justin is an experienced business executive who specialises in driving growth through innovative strategies, whilst focusing on team building, culture, and capability development.

Tim Rudge

Future Farming Abalone

Tim is a pioneer of onshore abalone farming, having established the first farm at Narrawong in western Victoria and now focussed on delivering the growth in Yumbah’s future farming program. Tim is a director of Seafood Industry Victoria.

Matthew Muggleton

Abalone Commercial Manager

Matthew has been the sole importer of Yumbah’s abalone to North America since 2008, and was pivotal in developing the USA and Canadian markets with Yumbah abalone brands. He has been instrumental in expanding Yumbah’s product range and market diversification.

Rachel Schulz

Processing Performance and Quality Manager

Rachel is a senior leader with experience in operational site plants, quality functions and people and safety. She has a passion for regional based primary production and developing and innovating production capability.

Ellen Duke

Commercial Project Officer, Oysters

Ellen is a third generation Tasmanian oyster farmer specialising in hatchery, nursery, grow-out and processing, a qualified trainer and assessor, and director of Oysters Tasmania

Gary Higgins

Director & Chairman

Gary is a senior finance professional with more than 30 years of experience both as a former partner in Ernst & Young for 18 years and director and owner of Elary Corporate Services Pty Ltd. Gary has served as a director since 2008 becoming Chairman in 2016. Gary reads spreadsheets instead of novels and is happiest when performing financial due diligence. Gary has been instrumental in the mergers and acquisitions that have built Yumbah.

Anthony Hall


A love of scuba diving and the charm of the coastal town Mallacoota brought the Hall and Rudge families together. Diving for abalone as a teenager on the reef off Gabo Island made a clear impression as Anthony became a foundation investor in 1999 in Tim Rudge’s grand plan to build a farm at Narrawong. Co-founder of Pro Medicus Limited (ASX:PME) and Bay Sea Farms Pty. Ltd. he continues to believe passionately in aquaculture and led the restructure of the group in 2016 into Yumbah Aquaculture.

Jonathan Lillie


Born and bred into the wool trade it was inevitable that Jonathan became an executive director of the family wool broking firm, Fox and Lillie. Following an unwavering belief in the future of aquaculture he invested in the Narrawong farm in 1999 and was key to the formation of Yumbah in 2008 serving as director from that time on. His vision led to the creation of Yumbah’s AUSAB brand. Jonathan is also co-founder of Bay Sea Farms Pty. Ltd., a Victorian mussel farmer/ shellfish hatchery and Fisher Direct, which imports and distributes quality seafood. In 2016 he became Managing Director of the group.

Veronica Papacosta


Veronica is the Managing Director of Sydney Fresh Seafood (Aust) Pty Ltd trading as Fish in the Family, CEO of Seafood Industry Australia Ltd (SIA), a member of the National Fisheries Advisory Council, and a passionate advocate for the Australian seafood industry. Veronica led the membership drive to establish SIA – the national peak body for Australian seafood representing the interests of the wild catch, aquaculture, and post-harvest sectors of the industry. Established in May 2017, SIA is the uniting voice of Australian seafood. Veronica has a Bachelor of Economics (major in Marketing and Accounting) from Sydney University, a Diploma in Event Management from University of Technology, Sydney, a graduate of the National Seafood Industry Leadership Program (NSILP) and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors course.

Supply chain

Every Yumbah processing plant and production partner’s operations are certified and audited for AQUIS and HACCP compliance. Whether its fresh oysters harvested and temperature monitored through cold chain, to frozen abalone using our suspended animation process, or mussels packed and dispatched to market within 24 hours of harvest.


We work with the natural capital of our environments to ensure we farm for today, tomorrow and for generations to come. Yumbah abalone, mussels and oysters are bred from Yumbah farmed broodstock in purpose-built hatcheries and nurseries, and are not reliant on wild fisheries for restocking.

Maintaining and monitoring water quality ensures our off-site impacts are minimal. Our bivalve produce – mussels and oysters – actively improve water quality as filter feeders.

Investing in innovation, technology and partnerships improves the quality of our produce, our environmental impact and the sustainability of our entire supply chain.

Aquaculture Stewardship Council and Best Aquaculture Practices certification provides a framework to measure compliance; preservation of habitat, biodiversity, ecosystems, diversity of wild populations and water resources and quality; responsible use of feed and other resources; fish health; responsible use of antibiotics and chemicals; and social responsibility to staff and local communities.


Sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, better lives and healthy ocean ecosystems.


Farming for future generations, with respect and care for the natural environments where we operate.


Recognising the social significance of the places we work, building long-term relationships with community and stakeholders.